Here are the students I have selected for "Student Spotlight's" over the course of lessons.
March 2010- Emmanuel Bing
April 2010- Donald Davis
June 2010- Karissa Romer
July 2010- Alex Cooke
August 2010- Danielle Parker
September 2010- Blake Sloan
October 2010- Jeramie McCloud
January 2011- Chris Marks
Febuary 2011- Shane Waldun
April 2011- Oscar Ystenes
May 2011- Brian Yonn
July 2011- Zeb Shepard
September 2011- Grace Dickins
November 2011- Carter Kight
December 2011- Christina Naomi
January 2012- Taylor Temples
April 2012- Collin Costillo
Student Spotlights are not always a monthly occurrence. They are a regular occurrence that happens when a student displays major improvement, good work ethic, regular attendence, positive attitude, great playing, huge love for music, completes all the work I give them or shows a huge amount of love for music. It's just a way for me to show apprciation to my students for being great students. Most of the time I have a number of students who can be selected for it, as a matter of fact all the time. I have the majority of my students doing very, very good. Thanks to all my students!